You must be well-aware of all the therapeutic benefits of yoga. It is one of the holistic forms, that can truly do wonders for your body. Many people suffer from problems such as obesity and weight gain, due to improper lifestyle. So, it is a practice to indulge and engage in weight loss programs and aerobic exercises. What many people forget, that mental stress is another issue that arises out of it, and that can harm the body more. You must have heard of anorexic models and the disease called Bulimia. These arise due to mental issues, related to aesthetics. You will find out soon, that the Best Yoga School in India offers the best yogic activities, so that you can lose weight, without losing your mental sanity.
Yoga Asanas That Help To Lose Weight
There are plenty of yoga asanas, which you can practice to lose weight. Maintaining regularity is a must. The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India is one of the courses, in which all these things are covered. If you want to know more about such things, it will be best to enroll for one such course at one of the most prominent yoga schools in India. The yoga courses of this stature have a disease management section, which handles obesity.
Learn about such nuances as a part of yoga, to get rid of issues with the body and the mind.
Bhujangasana – It is one of the top courses, which you can do today, to lose weight. The asana is named after the cobra, as that is what the body resembles as a part of the posture. This is something easy and beginners can do it without too much difficulty. This is an asana or pose, which can correct the back postures. The pose also stretches the body. Additionally, it also boosts your metabolism. You can do this very easily, by lying down on your belly, on the floor.
The hands will be by your side. Slowly raise the torso from the belly button onwards, with support from the hands. The fingers face outward in front, as you lift the upper part of the body, by bending your elbow first. You have to bend your back a bit, and look upwards. With each exhalation, you can push the body upwards. When you have achieved sufficient prowess, you can also hinge your body on the thighs and rise even further above. This asana will help you to lose body fat, overall.
Utkatasana – Also called the Chair pose, Utkatasana has countless benefits. It resembles the stance, as if you are sitting on a chair. It is sort of a squat. It is extremely simple to do, as you have to stand straight with the knees folded a bit. There must be a 6-inch gap between the feet. In the meanwhile, you can stretch both the hands forward, or raise them above the head. Hold the position for a length of time, like 30 seconds. You can release, relax, and repeat thereafter. This is another wonderful asana or pose, which works on the thighs and the legs. Get them toned easily.
Trikonasana – It is another yoga pose or asana, which you can do today. The beginners can also do it with ease. The asana will give your entire body a workout. It is also considered as one of the foundational poses in yoga. The pose is perfect to stretch the shoulders, and the hip area. Additionally, you can also help in releasing stress. Stand straight with both your hands raised above the head. Spread the legs comfortably. Stretch and revolve again, and try to reach out to the toe, with the same hand. The other hand should face toward the ceiling. Hold the position or asana for 10 seconds or more. You can release the body from the pose, and again repeat the pose on the other side of the body. Always keep in mind, not to stretch the neck.
Dhanurasana – It is yet another pose, which you can do to lose weight and flab from your body. The westerners, also call it the Bow pose. In this pose, you have to lie down flat on your belly. Then, you have to bring the toes floating up in the air, and try to hold the toes, with the hands. You can also hold the ankles, if your body is supple. Inhale and lift the body further up, while resting and balancing the body on the belly button. Exhale thereafter, and stretch the back and legs further. Lift the head and gaze ahead of you. You can stay in the position for 10 seconds. Try this at least 10-15 times, to get the maximum benefits. The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India will give you complete knowledge of the postures. You will also learn about all the benefits and contraindications.
Pranayama For Weight Loss
If you thought that yoga is just about asanas or poses, you are completely wrong. There are other modalities in yoga, which can help you to lose weight as well. Here we are talking about Pranayama. Kapalbhati is one of the most prominent breathing techniques, which you can practice to lose weight and become slim. Kapalbhati helps in the improvement of digestion and also helps the body eliminate the excretory products. It serves well in burning body fat. If you can manage 1,000 cycles a day, you will lose weight in no time.
Apart from that, the breathing technique also helps to calm the mind. You will stop binge eating, and develop control. Yoga is all about such practices, which affect the body and mind, both. The pranayama or breathing techniques can help in making you much more aware of what you are up to. The Best Yoga School in India will help you to master asanas, breathing, and meditation. This triad is extremely important for anyone, who is looking at losing weight. Lose weight in a smart way by doing yoga practice. You should also lead a sattvic lifestyle, in which you must ingest fresh foods.
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