7 Days | Beginner

The 50 Hours Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Vidya Mandiram in Rishikesh, India centre is a short Yoga TTC program over a duration of 7 days and 6 nights. This short TTC program allows those interested to study the arts of yoga in a structured and holistic approach. The program covers the essential basic foundation that is useful for those who are beginners or have been practicing yoga as hobby. Our school aims to bring depth of understanding and practice into the foundations of yoga studies. The program is designed to integrate body, mind and breath practices to achieve a well-rounded yoga study to inspire students in their personal and spiritual growth.
The curriculum covers the fundamental elements of yoga based on essential subjects consisting of pranayama, shat kriya, asana practices, yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy, relaxation (Yoga Nidra) and meditation. For asana practices, our school focus on Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga styles of asana. Students will go through 6 days of training with 1 rest day per week. On this rest day, our school organizes a half-day excursion for students that may involve visits to one of the sacred sites in Rishikesh. The rest day usually falls on a Sunday, but may be shifted to a weekday to avoid tourists and traffic during high season in Rishikesh.
Accommodations, meals and excursions during the training are inclusive in the course fee as mentioned in more detail below.
Course Level
- Beginner
Language of Instruction:
- English
50 Hours Yoga TTC is suitable for those who...
- Are beginners who want a structured and holistic approach study of yoga
- Have been casually studying and practicing yoga as a hobby
- Are interested in understanding and studying yoga in a holistic approach from a solid foundation
- Are interested in a short course to find a balance in life through body and mind
- Are interested in yoga philosophy, meditation and its practices
- Are registered RYT and wants to collect Continuing Education (CE) training hours
Course Completion Requirements
- Required 100% attendance
- No violation of Code of Conduct and School Policy
50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training : Course Curriculum
- Meditative steps of performing hatha yoga; centering, entering, refining, holding, coming out, and reflection
- Astanga vinyasa flow – series 1
- Surya namaskar (sun salutations) – dynamic surya namaskar, surya namaskar with breathe awareness, surya namaskar with mantra chanting
- Types of hatha posture – standing poses, sitting poses, backward bending poses, forward bending poses, spinal twisting poses, fire series, inversion poses, shavasana
- Postural alignment and art of adjustment
- Counter pose
- Contraindications
- Science of breath
- Sitting postures for pranayama practice
- How to establish diaphragmatic breathing before pranayama practice
- 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 breathing practices
- Types of pranayama – nadi shodhana pranayama, ujjayee, kapalabhati, bhastrika, shitali, shitkari, brahmari, and anuloma viloma
- Jalandhara-bandha (chin lock)
- Uddiyana-bandha (abdominal lock)
- Moola-bandha (root lock)
- Relaxation in daily life
- Tension and relaxation
- Systematic relaxation
- What is meditation & what is not?
- Meditation in daily life
- Yoga asanas for meditation
- 2-5 minutes of meditation
- So-ham mediation
- Introduction to anatomy and physiology
- Systems: Digestive system, Respiratory system
- Effect of yoga posture on muscles and systems
- General introduction: Yoga Philosophy
- Samkhya and yoga
- Highlight of ashtanga yoga: yama, niyam, asana, pranayam, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi
- Lifestyle and yoga ethics
- Jnana-mudra
- Dhyan-mudra
- Vishnu-mudra
- Om mantra
- Morning mantra
- Guru mantra
- Meal mantra
- Gayatri mantra and more
- Suryanamaskar mantras – 12 names of sun
- Jala-neti
- Sutra-neti (Intro)
- Assignments
- Group discussion
- Question and answer
- Homework
50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India: Daily Schedule
This 50 Hour Yoga Training will be schedule on 6 days for the intensive study and practices and on the 7th day there will be a half-day Holy Shrine & Temples visit. During this yoga teacher training you will be provided with three yoga vegetarian meals including fruit refreshments and green tea. We encourage the students to go sleep early about 10pm as that is conducive to the yoga training. Here it is the typical daily schedule for 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India at our School Yoga Vidya Mandiram:
Typical Daily Schedule
Time | Activity | |
05:00 | : | Wake Up! |
06:15 – 6:30 | : | Mantra Chanting |
06:30 – 7:30 | : | Shat-kriyas & Pranayama Practices |
07:30 – 9:00 | : | Hatha Yoga (Classical) |
09:00 – 10:00 | : | Breakfast & Free Time |
10:00 – 11:00 | : | Yoga Philosophy |
11:00 – 12:00 | : | Yoga Anatomy & Physiology |
12:30 – 13:00 | : | Karma Yoga (Seva) |
13:00 – 14:30 | : | Lunch |
14:30 – 16:00 | : | Self-Study / Self-Practice |
16:00 – 16:15 | : | Tea Break |
16:30 -18:00 | : | Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga |
18:00 – 19:00 | : | Relaxation & Meditation |
19:00 – 20:00 | : | Dinner |
20:00 – 21:00 | : | Self-Study / Free-Time |
21:00 | : | Go to Sleep! |
* Schedule is subjected to slight changes. |
Note: The first day of the course will start with an opening fire ceremony at 10.30am.
50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India: Course Dates
This 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India is usually starts on 2nd and 24th of every month throughout the year. So you can apply for any month in advance. Our few upcoming the 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Courses are on the following dates:
Course Date | Course Name | Book Now |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th January | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th February | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th March | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th April | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th May | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th June | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th July | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th August | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th September | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th October | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th November | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India | |
2nd–8th & 24nd–30th December | 50 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India |
50 hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh: Course Fee
Accommodation Type | Course Fee |
Shared Triplet Room (3 beds) | US$ 300 |
Shared Twin Room (2 beds) | US$ 350 |
Private Single Room (1 person/room) | US$ 410 |
Private Double Room (Price for 2 persons/room) | US$ 700 |
Book Your Seat: A minimum of US$ 60 advance deposit is required to secure your seat for the course. The remaining course fee is due on arrival at our school reception.
** Please kindly inquire for room availability and wait for us to confirm availability prior to your booking. **
Refund Policy
Advance deposit is strictly non-refundable. However, your advance deposit amount can be retained for rescheduling, only if applicant makes a request 7 days before the program start date. Please read details under Refund Policy.
School Policy & Code of Conduct
By signing and booking for your course at Yoga Vidya Mandiram, you are acknowledging that you have read, agree and accept our School Policy and Code of Conduct. Please go through our School Policy and Code of Conduct thoroughly.
“AMAZING EXPERIENCE HIGHLY RECOMMEND ” the locations is amazing. You get a sense of freedom straight away being in the mountains surrounded by animals. The teachers go above and beyond to help you with anything you need. Food was amazing and accommodation was fab. No words would do this place justice how peaceful and calm you feel. I have learned loads not only about yoga but about myself too.